NOTE: If you are not a member of Florida Delegation, SEUS/Japan Association, please click here for a list of contacts for each of the other SEUS/Japan member states and contact your state’s coordinator for registration details and instructions.
What is The Southeast
U.S./Japan Association?
Created in 1976, the
Southeast U.S./Japan Association has a Japan counterpart, the
Japan-U.S. Southeast Association. The Japanese Association's
membership includes Japan's top business leaders and government
officials. Membership in the Southeast U.S./Japan Association is open
to residents of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South
Carolina, and Tennessee, and includes both private and public
sector members.
On a rotational basis, each of the seven states serves as "Host and Co-Host State" for a two-year term and assumes leadership of the Association during that period. Florida last hosted the joint meeting in Orlando in November 2022, and before that in 2006, 1992 and 1978 under this rotation system.
is Florida Delegation, SEUS/Japan?
Incorporated in 1980, Florida Delegation, Southeast U.S./Japan
Association, Inc. is Florida's leading private, non-profit statewide
organization devoted to promoting increased trade, investment and
friendship ties between Florida and Japan through an annual joint
meeting and other programs and events.
What Does
Florida Delegation Do?
To achieve the above stated mission, Florida Delegation plays an
active role in the eight-state Southeast U.S. Japan Association, and
works closely with the Florida Department of State, the Governor's
Office, Enterprise Florida and other economic development
organizations statewide. |